lib/libEmail.tcl File Reference


namespace  email


string email::TD_form ()
string email::SP_form ()
string email::TD (type val)
string email::Row (type args)
string email::Intro ()
string email::Header ()
string email::Space ()
string email::SubjectRow ()
string email::ContactRow ()
string email::SpaceRow ()
string email::SubSectionRow (optional val=Details)
string email::TimeRow ()
string email::StartTimeRow ()
string email::Line ()
string email::Head ()
string email::Rows ()
string email::Var (type var)
string email::List2Html (type list)
 join the list together using the "<BR>" as delimiter
string email::Classify (type host)
 classify the host and set the TYPE and COLOR
string email::B (type args)
 join args together and return the bold HTML string
string email::Fg (type color, type args)
 join args together and return the color foreground HTML string
string email::Bg (type color, type args)
 join args together and return the color background HTML string
string email::MakeBodyToHTML (type template, type args)
 create a new mime object TOK of type text/html


type email::HEADER
 the HEADER of the html body message, this is the most visible information
type email::COLOR
 set the color of the high information parts in the email to something like red, blue, brown or black
type email::TYPE
 set the type of the email like PRODUCTION, DEVELOPMENT, TEST or UNKNOWN
type email::SUBJECT
 additional information added to HEADER with lower priority
type email::ROWS
 a list of key/value pairs to create the detail section of the HTML eMail
type email::FONT = Arial
 the default font to use
 the email address of the user/group used in the mail-to link of the HTML eMail
 the name of the user/group used in the mail-to link of the HTML eMail
array email::BACKGROUND_ALARM_COLORS = { 0 "#FFFFFF" 1 "#FFFFFF" 2 "#FFDBB8" 3 "#FFB8B8" 4 "#FFB8DB" 5 "#FF7A7A" }
 alarm colors used to signal states with different colors

Generated on Thu Sep 13 21:19:10 2007 for bid by  doxygen 1.5.0