body formatting procedures
[MAIN processing library]


string ParseBody (type args)
 parse the pre-formatted eMail-body into key/value pairs
string CreateBody (type args)
 create an eMail body ready for parsing with ParseBody

Detailed Description

The body of a BID server formatted email is of type text/plain and has the following syntax:
  1. single line string
  2. multi line list

Function Documentation

string ParseBody ( type  args  ) 

parse the pre-formatted eMail-body into key/value pairs

args argument list as keys required to be available in the body.
an error is raised if a required key is not available
a list of key/value pairs useable to setup an array using array set

string CreateBody ( type  args  ) 

create an eMail body ready for parsing with ParseBody

args list of arguments as pairs of key/value to create the body.
If only one argument is provided than this argument will be used as list of key/value pairs.

Generated on Thu Sep 13 21:19:10 2007 for bid by  doxygen 1.5.0