logging and debugging procedures
[MAIN processing library]


string Log (type token, type value)
 create a log message using the key/value pair of data
string LogHeader (type args)
 log mime header token/value pair to the logfile
string Print (type args)
 print variable to standard out for debugging
string Error (type message)
 stop the execution with an error and send eMail to SYSADMIN
string Debug (optional token="")
 log debugging message including the whole mime message and the mime header token

Function Documentation

string Log ( type  token,
type  value 

create a log message using the key/value pair of data

token identify the type of the message
value the message to be logged

string LogHeader ( type  args  ) 

log mime header token/value pair to the logfile

args list of arguments to be logged like: To, Cc, From ...

string Print ( type  args  ) 

print variable to standard out for debugging

string Error ( type  message  ) 

stop the execution with an error and send eMail to SYSADMIN

message the error message

string Debug ( optional  token = ""  ) 

log debugging message including the whole mime message and the mime header token

token the mime object to debug (default: TOK)

Generated on Thu Sep 13 21:19:10 2007 for bid by  doxygen 1.5.0