classify Namespace Reference

classification from host into system type or application type More...


string Host (type host)
 get the classification of your host
string App (type host)
 get the classification of your application on host

Detailed Description

classification from host into system type or application type

The doxygen documentation builder was primary developted for the C, C++, JAVA, ... language documentation and does not support the Tcl syntax.
The following translation rules have to be applied:
variable string NAME = DEFAULT set NAME DEFAULT
variable array NAME = DEFAULT array set NAME DEFAULT
procedure string NAME ( type ARG1, ... ) proc NAME {ARG1 ...}
procedure string NAME ( optional ARG1=DEF1, ... ) proc NAME {{ARG1 DEF1} ...}
The classify package from file lib/libClassify.tcl is available with:
package require classify ?1.0?
and is used to get the system type (e.g. prod, test , dev or unknown) or the application type (e.g. oracle, sap, ...) from the host-name provided.
This file have to be updated by the BID administrator to customize your local needs.

Function Documentation

string classify::Host ( type  host  ) 

get the classification of your host

host the name of the host using HOST syntax
prod, test, dev or unknown

string classify::App ( type  host  ) 

get the classification of your application on host

host the name of the host using HOST syntax
the application name or unknown

Generated on Thu Sep 13 21:19:10 2007 for bid by  doxygen 1.5.0