sms Namespace Reference

setup and use the SMS workflow More...


string Send (type mobile, type message)
 send out SMS


 variable used as the smtp eMail address of the mail2sms gateway
 variable used as the smtp eMail address of the BID server on the SMS database host

Detailed Description

setup and use the SMS workflow

The doxygen documentation builder was primary developted for the C, C++, JAVA, ... language documentation and does not support the Tcl syntax.
The following translation rules have to be applied:
variable string NAME = DEFAULT set NAME DEFAULT
variable array NAME = DEFAULT array set NAME DEFAULT
procedure string NAME ( type ARG1, ... ) proc NAME {ARG1 ...}
procedure string NAME ( optional ARG1=DEF1, ... ) proc NAME {{ARG1 DEF1} ...}
The sms package from file lib/libSMS.tcl is available with:
package require sms ?1.0?

The SMS workflow was designed as a filter between the SMS sending application and the mail2sms gateway to provide a mobile-number lookup service. The mail2sms gateway is not part of the workflow and have to be already available. The format of the mail2sms gateway eMail requires the mobile-number as the subject and the sms-message as the body. The interface to your local mail2sms gateway can be customized by modifying the file lib/libSMS.tcl .
The SMS workflow has the following components relative to the root directory of the BID server:
location type description
lib/libSMS.tcl package main config file with the definition of the SMS sending procedure sms::Send and the configuration parameter sms::SMSDB and sms::SMSGWY .
plugins/sms/db-write.tcl service write name key and mobile value into the database on sms::SMSDB host. If the current host is not sms::SMSDB host than forward the service to the sms::SMSDB host.
plugins/sms/db-delete.tcl service delete name key from the database. If the current host is not sms::SMSDB host than forward the service to the sms::SMSDB host.
plugins/sms/db-read.tcl service read name key from the database and call the sms::Send procedure to send out message. This service can only be called on sms::SMSDB host.
tests/sms.test test-unit quality test-unit used to perform various tests on the sms-workflow. This file is only available in the distribution directory of the BID server.
plugins/test/sms.tcl test-service quality test-service used together with tests/sms.test to perform various tests on the sms-workflow. This file is only available in the distribution directory of the BID server.

In addition two public services are available to add and delete mobile numbers from the database:
sms/db-write name mobile write the name key with mobile value into the database on the host sms::SMSDB
sms/db-delete name delete the name key from the database on the host sms::SMSDB

a service is called using the my-service@other data subject of the mime header and the arguments encoded using the ParseBody body syntax.


  1. call the sms/db-write service using the UNIX command-line tool mailx.
    mailx -s sms/db-write@mail bid@server <<EOF
  2. send a SMS from any service in the BID server using the database lookup defined above:
    sms::Send lookup@support-mobile "ALARM: the main server is down"

Function Documentation

string sms::Send ( type  mobile,
type  message 

send out SMS

mobile the mobile number or a text to do the database lookup
message the SMS message to send
If the mobile has a lookup@ prefix than forward the service to the sms::SMSDB host to do a mobile-number lookup first otherwise the service will be directly forwarded to the email2sms server

Variable Documentation

string sms::SMSGWY = UNKNOWN

variable used as the smtp eMail address of the mail2sms gateway

the variable can be redefined in the plugin code to customize the behaviour
The smtp eMail address have to look like:
and can be verified using your local eMail client.

string sms::SMSDB = UNKNOWN

variable used as the smtp eMail address of the BID server on the SMS database host

the variable can be redefined in the plugin code to customize the behaviour

Generated on Thu Sep 13 21:19:10 2007 for bid by  doxygen 1.5.0